Dyson Finance SDK is a Typescript library for interfacing with the Dyson Finance protocol. This includes common contract interactions, type definition, calculations, and more.
Dyson Finance Address Book is a Typescript library that lists all contract addresses related to the Dyson Finance protocol on every supported chain. This includes addresses for both partial and full versions of the protocol.
You can also access our contract addresses through our official contract document
Install the package with
- yarn
- npm
- pnpm
yarn add @dyson-finance/dyson-interface-sdk @dyson-finance/address viem
npm i @dyson-finance/dyson-interface-sdk @dyson-finance/address viem
pnpm i @dyson-finance/dyson-interface-sdk @dyson-finance/address viem
The SDK interact with contract and wallet by Viem.
Please follow the guides. to install and init related client to access our SDK.